About patti

As a young mother, Patti taught Art & Architecture appreciation in elementary schools — the more time spent in art classrooms, the greater her desire to paint. The opportunity to be the student, instead of the teacher, finally happened in 2016 at a plein-air workshop in Cokeville, WY- the hometown of Minerva Teichert. Since then, Patti has been mentored and trained by the generous art community of Utah. She loves participating in markets, shows and competitions throughout the state.


Patti’s home is in Salt Lake City, where nothing makes her happier than spending time in the mountains with her husband, children and pups. Her hope is that her paintings will allow others a glimpse of how she is striving to see the world – bright beams of light and vibrant color, viewed through a lens of faith.


Graduated from the University of Utah in 1994 with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies. In 1996, earned a Masters of Architecture from University of Utah. Studied at the J. Kirk Richards Studio Academy in Provo, Utah from 2020-2022.